INTRODUCTION: India is one of the few countries world over where the education
of children with special needs doesn’t fall within the purview of human
resource development ministry. The prime focus of HRD is rehabilitation, not
education. In fact, till today it does not have education as part of its agenda
and the issue of education of children with disabilities remains imperceptible.
But the segregation of children with challenging needs from scholl surroundings
is morally unjustifiable and a violation of human rights. Indeed over 36
million disabled children need special education which will ensure
‘equalization of educational opportunity’-a prime objective taken by the
Kothari Commission. It is perfectly observed that Seventy-eight percent of
Indian population lives in rural areas without provision for special schools.
Therefore, steps from all concerned need to be taken to make main stream
schools inclusive and the central and state governments have to train their
teachers to manage inclusive classrooms.
Inclusive education (IE) is a new approach towards educating the
children with disability and learning difficulties with that of normal ones
within the same roof. It implies all learners – with or without disabilities
being able to learn together through access to common school provisions and
community educational setting with an appropriate network of support services.
A flexible education system of diverse range of learners is needed to meet
these needs. Inclusion is not an experiment to be tested but a value to be
followed. All the children whether they are disabled or not have the right to
education as they are the future citizens of the country. In the prevailing
Indian situation resources are insufficient even to provide quality mainstream
schools for common children, it is unethical and impracticable to put children
with special needs to test or to prove any thing in a research study to live
and learn in the mainstream of school and community (Dash, 2006). The principle of inclusive education was
adopted at the “World Conference on Special Needs Education: Access and
Quality” (Salamanca, Spain 1994) and was restated at the World Education Forum
(Dakar, Senegal 2000).
Aims and Objectives of Inclusive Education: Inclusive Education emphasizes on Equalization of Opportunities
for Person with Disability Proclaiming Participation and equality for all. The
term “Special Need Education” (SNE) has come into use as a replacement for the
term “Special Education”, as the older one was mainly understood to refer the
education of all those children and youth whose needs arise from disabilities
or learning difficulties. The Statement affirms: “those with special
educational needs must have access to regular schools which should accommodate
them within child centered pedagogy capable of meeting these needs”. Moreover,
the concept of “Special Need Education” extends beyond those who may be included
in handicapped categories to cover those who are failing in school for a wide
variety of other reasons that are known to be likely to impede a child’s
optimal progress.
Inclusive Education aims at integrated development of children
with special needs and normal children through mainstream schooling. To develop
curriculum for special education and its inclusion in general teacher
preparation programmes, Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) made a historic
collaboration with National Council for Teacher Education (NCTE) on January 19,
2005. In Indian scenario it is observed
that over 40 million children in the age group- four-sixteen years with
physical and mental disabilities are being excluded from mainstream education.
It is because of callous school
managements and over-anxious parents of abled children who have consistently
discouraged children with disabilities from entering the nation’s classrooms. But Social justice and equity are ensured in the Constitution of India
which guaranties that India’s 35 million
physically challenged and the 5 million mentally challenged children should be
given preferential access into primary and secondary schools. Fewer than five
percent of children who have a disability are in schools.
Perspective: In India special education as a
separate system of education for disabled children outside the mainstream
education system evolved way back in 1880s. The first school for the deaf was
established in Bombay in 1883 and the first school for the blind at Amritsar in
1887. In 1947, the number of schools for blind increased to 32, for the deaf to
30 and for mentally retarded to 3. The number of special schools rose to around
3000 by the year 2000 (Department of Eduacation, 2000). The Govt. of India designed a scheme of preparing teachers for
teaching children with visual impairment and other disabilities. However, the
quality of the trained teachers was in question because of lack of uniform
syllabi of various courses and also due to large extent of non-availability of
teacher educators and literatures in the field. In 1980s the then ministry of
Welfare, Govt. of India, realized the crucial need of an institution to monitor
and regulate the HRD programmes in the field of disability rehabilitation.
The Constitution of India (26 November, 1949), clearly states in
the Preamble regarding ‘the right to equality of status and of opportunity and
to promote among them all’. The Article 41 of the Directive Principles of the
Indian Constitution supports the right to work, education and public assistance
in certain cases including disablement. Further, Article 45 commits to the
provision of free and compulsory education for all children up to the age of 14
years. By the Constitutional amendment
(86th Amendment) the Act 2002 has been
enacted by the parliament making education a fundamental right of all children
in the age group of 6-14 years. Moreover the 93rd Amendment to the Constitution
of India (now renumbered as the 86th), passed by the Lok Sabha on November 28,
2001, makes it mandatory for the government to provide free and compulsory
education to “all children of the age of 6-14 years”, with its preamble
clarifying that “all” includes children with disabilities as well. The National
Policy on Education, 1986 (NPE, 1986), and the Programme of Action (1992)
stresses the need for integrating children with special needs with other
groups. The NPE, 1986 emphasized on the integration of the
physically and mentally handicapped with general community as equal partners,
to prepare them for normal growth and to enable them to face life with courage
and confidence" The concept of integrated education in India has emerged
during the mid 1950s.
School Based
Approach: The Government launched the Integrated
Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) scheme in December 1974. It was a
Centrally Sponsored Scheme aimed to provide educational opportunities to
children with special needs (CWSN) in regular schools and to facilitate their
achievement and retention. The scheme become popular for the extension of the
integrated education in the school scenerio.The scheme provides facilities in
the form of books, stationery, uniforms, and allowances for transport, reader,
escort etc. Though IEDC met with limited success and only a little more than 100 thousand CWSN have been
covered but it was successful in creating awareness on the importance of
integrating CWSN in the mainstream of education. a fact noted in the National
Policy on Education, 1986.
Composite Approach: Project Integrated Education for the Disabled
(PIED) was another experiment on integrated education in India. In this
connection a combined effort of the
Ministry of Human Resources Development (MHRD) and UNICEF, the PIED came into
existence in 1987. This project was implemented in one administrative block
each in Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Nagaland, Orissa, Rajasthan, Tamil Nadu,
Haryana, Mizoram, Delhi Municipal Corporation, and Baroda Municipal
Corporation. The approach is an improvement over the special schools in many
ways and appears to be the only way towards universalizing education of the
disabled children.
Inclusive Approach: In late 90s (i.e. in 1997) the philosophy of
inclusive education is added in District Primary Education Programme (DPEP).
Moreover, DPEP also addressed core issues related to curriculum especially the
child-centered pedagogy. The thrust was on imparting quality education to all
disabled children.
The National Policy on Education, 1986 : It is mentioned in the NPE-1986 that“...Future emphasis shall
be on distance and open learning systems to provide opportunities and access to
all the major target groups, especially the disadvantaged, viz., women,
scheduled castes and scheduled tribes, the adult working class, and people
serving in the far - flung remote areas.” There after Rehabilitation Council of
India Act, 1992 was passed by the Parliament in 1992, this act makes it
mandatory for every special teacher to be registered by the council. This Act
also lays down that every child with disability had the right to be taught by a
qualified teacher. In fact it provided punishment for those teachers who
engaged in teaching children with special needs without a license. The Persons
with Disabilities Act, 1995 stresses the need to provide free of cost education
to all children in an appropriate environment till they are 18 years old. It
further emphasizes on the right of the disabled on the following measures:
a) Transport facilities to
the students with disabilities or alternative financial incentives to parents
or guardians to enable their students with disabilities to attend schools;
b) The removal of
architectural barriers from schools, colleges or other institutions imparting
vocational and professional training
c) The supply of books,
uniforms and other materials to students with disabilities attending school
d) The grant of scholarship
to students with disabilities
e) Setting up of
appropriate fora for the redressal of grievances of parents regarding the
placement of their students with disabilities
f) Suitable modification in
the examination system to eliminate purely mathematical questions for the
benefit of blind students and students with low vision
g) Restructuring of
curriculum for the benefit of students with disabilities
h) Restructuring the curriculum for benefit of students with
hearing impairment to facilitate them to take only one language as part of
their curriculum.
The National Trust Act (National Trust for the Welfare of Persons
with Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Mental Retardation and Multiple Disability), 1999
also came in to existence. This landmark legislation seeks to protect and
promote the rights of persons who within the disability sector, have been even
more marginalized than others. It was first of its kind in the category of
persons addressed. It recognized the range of independence in skills, daily
living and financial management. It is prime decision making body for persons
with disabilities and aims to provide total care to persons with mental
retardation and cerebral palsy and also manage the properties bequeathed to the
The Salamanca Statement and Framework for Action on Special Needs
Education (1994) emerged as a result of deliberations held by more than 300 participants
representing 92 governments and 25 international organizations in June1994. For
furthering the objectives of Education for all, it considered the fundamental
policy-shifts required to promote inclusive education. It emphasizes that
schools should accommodate all children regardless of their physical,
intellectual, social, emotional, linguistic or other conditions. India was a
signatory to the Salamanca Statement. In this perspective the Human Resource
Development minister of India Sri Arjun Singh on the 21st March 2005 assured in
the Rajya Sabha that MHRD has formulated a comprehensive action plan for the
Inclusive Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities. The government is
now committed to provide education
through mainstream schools for children with disabilities in accordance with
PWD ACT, 1995 and all the schools in the country will be made disabled friendly
by 2020. Rupees 10 billion have been outlaid to fulfill the needs of disabled
persons between the ages of 14 and 18 years through a revised plan for
Inclusive Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities (IECYD).In 2005-06,
the Project Approval Board has allocated an amount of Rs.187.79 crores under
this component for a total 20.14 lakh Children With Special Needs (CWSN) identified.
The commitment of the Government of India to Universalisation of Elementary
Education (UEE) cannot be fully achieved without taking care of special
educational needs of the physically and mentally challenged children.
MINISRTY OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT (MHRD) ACTION PLAN: An outline of MHRD action plan is presented below:
Action Plan includes: • To complement and supplement IEDC and
Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan programmes in the movement from integration to inclusion.
• Enrolment and retention of all children with disabilities in the
mainstream education system. (Free and compulsory education from 0 to 14 under
draft Bill/free education 0 to 18 yrs under PWD Act).
• Providing need based
educational and other support in mainstream schools to children in order to
develop their learning and abilities, through appropriate curricula,
organizational arrangements, teaching strategies, resource and partnership with
their communities.
• Support higher and vocational education through proper
implementation of the existing reservation quota in all educational
institutions and creation of barrier free learning environments.
• Disability focused research and interventions in universities
and educational institutions.
• Review implementation of existing programmes, provisions to
identify factors leading to success or failure of the drive towards enrollment
and retention of children with disabilities in mainstream educational settings.
Address administrative issues arising out of review.
• Generating awareness in the general community, activists and
persons working in the field of education and more specifically among parents
and children that the disabled have full rights to appropriate education in
mainstream schools and that it is the duty of those involved in administration
at every level including schools to ensure that they have access to education.
• Ensure enrollment and intervention for all children with special
needs in the age group 0-6 years in Early Childhood Care and Education
• Facilitate free and compulsory elementary education for children
with special needs in the age group 6-14 (extendable to 18 yrs.) in mainstream
education settings currently under the Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) ( SSA is a
governmental program shared by both union and state governments for achieving
universal elementary education in India by 2010) .
• Facilities for transition of young persons with disability
wishing to pursue secondary education.
• Ensuring physical access of children and youth with disabilities
in schools and educational institutions by enforcing the requirement for
provisions of universal design in buildings and provide support in
• Development of national
norms for Inclusive Education, to set standards of implementation, training,
monitoring and evaluation for the program.
• Provide inputs in all pre-service and in-service training for
mainstream and special education teachers to enable them to work with children
with disability in an inclusive education system.
• Appropriate Resource Services support through appointment of
special educators, rehab professionals, provision of resource rooms, etc to
support mainstream schoolteachers in the classrooms.
• Put in place an effective communication and delivery system for
specific delivery of TLM, aids and appliances, hardware/software.
• Participation in sports, co-curricular activities, to promote
all round ability development.
• Ensuring physical access for young persons with disabilities (18
plus age group) in all colleges and educational institutions by enforcing the
requirement for provisions of universal design in buildings and provide support
in transportation.
The Tenth Plan (2002-2007) aims to provide Universal Elementary
Education by the end of the plan. It also aims to provide basic education for
the un-reached segments and special groups. The special interventions and
strategies like pedagogic improvement and adoption of child centered practices
are focused on the groups like the girls, scheduled castes and scheduled tribes,
working children, children with disabilities, urban deprived children, children
from minority groups, children below poverty line, migratory children and in
the hardest to reach groups.
National Curriculum Framework, 2005: A policy frame work of 2005
envisages inclusion that needs to be implemented in all schools and throughout
Indian education system. The participation of all children needs to be ensured
in all spheres of their life in and outside the school. Schools need to become
centers that prepare children for life and ensure that all children, especially
the differently abled children from marginalized sections, and children in
difficult circumstances get the maximum benefit of this critical area of
education. Opportunities to display talents should be provided and peer group
learning needs to be implemented as the peers are powerful tools in nurturing
motivation and involvement among children. In our schools we tend to provide these opportunities which is becoming
more self–confident and visible in the schools. Opportunitiesprovided need to
be given to all children and their specific abilities need to be recognized and
appreciated. This includes children with disabilities, who may need assistance to complete their assigned tasks. It would be
even better if the teacher discusses with all the children in the class to ensures
that each child is given an opportunity to contribute. When planning, teachers
must pay special attention to ensuring the participation of all. This would
become a marker of their effectiveness as teachers. Excessive emphasis on group competitiveness and achievement is
beginning to mark many of our schools, especially private schools. As soon as children join, houses are allocated to
them. Thereafter, almost every activity in the school is counted for marks that
go into house points, adding up to an end of-the-year prize. Such ‘house
loyalties’ seem to have the superficial effect of getting all children involved
and excited about winning points for their houses. Teachers need to reflect on
the extent to which they want the spirit of competition to enter into performing more of a function in regulating
and disciplining than in nurturing learning and interest. Schools generally undermine
the diverse capabilities and talents of children by categorizing them very
early, on narrow cognitive criteria relating to each child as an individual
placing them in the classroom as the
‘stars’, the average, the below - average and the ‘failures’. The demonizing
effect of such labeling is devastating on children is segregating them in
seating arrangements, and even creating markers that visually divide children
into high achievers and low achievers. The
school needs to send out a strong signal to the community, parents who
pressurize children from an early age to be perfectionists to encourage their
children to spend their time reading storybooks, playing and doing a reasonable
amount of homework and revision.
The ideal of common schooling advocated by the Kothari Commission
four decades ago continues to be valid as it reflects the values enshrined in
our Constitution. Schools will succeed in inculcating these values only if they
create an ethos in which every child feels happy and relaxed. Education has become a fundamental right for
the age group of 6 to 14 years. School administrators and teachers have to realize
that when boys and girls from different socio-economic and cultural backgrounds
and different levels of ability study together, the classroom ethos is enriched
and becomes more inspiring. A child has special educational needs if s/he has difficulty
in learning require special educational provision to be made for him or her. A
child may have learning difficulty because of a disability which hinders
her/his from making use of the existing educational facilities provided for all
other children of her class. A child may have learning difficulty because of
some other reasons too.
Inclusive Education in Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan: Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan (SSA) was launched to achieve the goal of Universalisation of Elementary
Education. The key objective of SSA is Universalisation of Elementary Education
(UEE) which has three important aspects -access, enrolment and retention of all
children in 6-14 years of age. A zero rejection policy has been adopted under
SSA, which ensures that every Child with Special Needs (CWSN), irrespective of
the kind, category and degree of disability. The policy covers the following
components under education for children with special needs.
They are: Early detection and identification, functional and
formal assessment, Educational Placement, Aids and appliances, Support
services, Teacher training, Resource support, Individual Educational Plan
(IEP), Parental training and community mobilization, Planning and management,
Strengthening of special schools, Removal of Architectural barriers, Research,
Monitoring and evaluation. Girls with
disabilities are provided up to
Rs.1200/- as per specific proposals, per year. The programmes taken under SSA
for inclusive education are identification, functional and formal assessment,
appropriate educational placement, preparation of Individualized Educational
Plan, provision of aids and appliances, teacher training, resource support,
removal of architectural barriers, monitoring and evaluation and a special focus
on girls with special needs. Children with disabilities are educated in India
through special schools. There exist a few schools exclusively for blind and deaf
under government sector as there is no
any special provision in mainstream government schools for education other
disabled children like low vision, leprosy cured, hearing impaired, locomotory
disabled, mentally retarded, mentally ill, autism affected, cerebral palsy
affected and multiple-disabled.
Steps taken for Inclusion: Inclusion
is a complex issue. The curriculum is a powerful tool (Swann, 1988) and may be
part of the problem. On inclusion Reuven Feuerstein viewed that “Chromosomes do
not have the last word”. However, his view on inclusion are challenging for
everywhere. He argues there are three pre-requisites: a) The preparation of the
child, b) The preparation of the receiving schools, c) The preparation of
parents, but it could not be achieved without d) The preparation of the teachers.
Some children with special
needs may require some prior training before they are placed in a regular
school. Special educators made available for the purpose can provide such
training and thereafter CWSN (Children With Special Needs)may be admitted in
mainstream schools. States of Andhra Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh have conducted
exclusive residential bridge course for CWSN to prepare them for regular
schools but in rest of the states it is not yet to be done. From 683 thousand,
l00 thousand CWSN were identified in 2002-03. By 2006-07 3 million 38 thousand
were identified. From 566 thousand CWSN enrolled in schools in 2002-03, the
enrolment of CWSN currently in SSA stands at 2 million 20 thousand (Dec. 2006).
In India total 222 thousand schools have been made barrier-free countrywide
under SSA. It has been seen that the
parents/guardians of CWSN generally face problems, both social and
psychological resulting into marginalisation and exclusion of CWSN in
mainstream schools. Hence, it is important to undertake widespread awareness
among the people especially parents of CWSN. They should be counseled so that
they may prepare themselves to send his/her ward to mainstream schools.
Teacher Training Programme for CWSN: In India teacher training in
special education is imparted through both face-to-face and distance mode. I)
Pre-Service Training: In India, there is provision for pre-service teacher
training in SE, but it is mainly concentrated in secondary level training.
There are 159 institutions of secondary teacher training in SE whereas there
are only eleven institutions in the country that imparts pre-service training
at elementary or primary level in SE. The Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
is the apex authority to develop, recognize and regulate the course curriculum
of SE. The Madhya Pradesh Bhoj (Open) University, Bhopal is the single
university in the country, imparting B. Ed. (SE) through distance learning
mode. Recently, it has launched Post Graduate Professional Diploma in Special
Education Course for general B.Ed. students. The successful candidate of this
program becomes equivalent to B.Ed.-SEDE degree holder with specialilzation in
opted disability area. A MOU has been signed between the National Council for
Teacher Educations (NCTE) and the Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI) leading
towards a convergence so as to sensitize all teachers and resource persons. The
NCERT (2000) has set up a group under the Nationa l Curriculum Framework Review
to examine the pedagogic inputs and classroom reorganization required for CWNS.
Even, UGC National Educational Testing Bureau has already included “Special
Education”, in curriculum of its Educational discipline. It includes details
about special education, integrated education, education of mentally retarded
(MR), visually impaired (VI), hearing impaired (HI), orthopaedically
handicapped (OH), gifted and creative children, learning disabled children and
education of Juvenile delinquents. The Postgraduate Departments of Education in
India is on way to strengthen the disability element in their respective
curriculum. Residential Bridge Courses for CWSN in A.P., U.P. & Rajasthan:
Andhra Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh and Rajasthan have developed a roadmap to
implement residential Bridge Courses to develop skills of readiness for
successful integration in regular schools. The other objectives of the course
are: (i) equip with required skills among students with severe disabilities to
use special equipment independently, (ii) develop adequate 3R’s skills as well
as academic competencies required for immediate inclusion in the regular
classroom appropriate to the child’s grade level and (iii) develop sense of
independence, self-confidence and motivation for personal growth, to orient the
children with various environments, not only for school inclusion, but also
community and social inclusion. II) In-Service Training: Different kinds of
teacher training programmes are being implemented under SSA to orient
elementary teachers towards Inclusive Education (IE). The component IE has been
incorporated as a part of 20 days mandatory training of in-service teachers
under SSA. This aims at orienting every teacher to the concept, meaning and
importance of inclusion. Further, the state SSA programme also taken up a 3-5
or 5-7 day teacher exclusively in I.E. Total 2 million 45.2 thousand teachers
have been covered through regular teacher training programmes, which includes a
2-3 day capsule on inclusive education. 1 million 400 thousand teachers have
been provided 3-5 days additional training for better orientation to Inclusive
Education. 39816 teachers have been trained in 22 States with Rehabilitation
Council of India for 45 days and act as Resource Persons in districts/blocks.
23 States have appointed 6147 resource teachers and 671 NGOs are involved in
the IE programme in 31 States. Schools are being made more disabled friendly by
incorporating barrier free features in their designs. 444 thousand schools have
been made barrierfree and the work is on. 575 thousand CWSN have been provided
the required assistive devices
Summary and conclusion: Inclusive education (IE) is a new approach
towards educating the children with disability and learning difficulties with
that of normal ones within the same roof. Inclusive Education aims at integrated
development of children with special needs and normal children through
mainstream schooling. To develop curriculum for special education and its
inclusion in general teacher preparation programs, Rehabilitation Council of
India (RCI) made a historic collaboration with National Council for Teacher
Education (NCTE) on January 19, 2005. The Government launched the Integrated
Education for Disabled Children (IEDC) scheme in December 1974. It was a
Centrally Sponsored Scheme aimed to provide educational opportunities to
children with special needs (CWSN) in regular schools and to facilitate their
achievement and retention. In late 90s (i.e. in 1997) the philosophy of
inclusive education is added in District Primary Education Programme (DPEP). By
1998, many DPEP states had conducted surveys, assessment camps and evolved
strategies to provide resource support to those children with special needs who
were enrolled in DPEP schools. The thrust was on imparting quality education to
all disabled children. The government is committed to provide education through
mainstream schools for children with disabilities in accordance with PWD ACT,
1995 and all the schools in the country will be made disabled friendly by 2020.
The special interventions and strategies like pedagogic improvement and
adoption of child centered practices are focused on the children with
disabilities. At present 20 thousand 30 thousand CWSN (66.84 percent of those
identified) are enrolled in schools. Further 88009 CWSN are being covered
through EGS/ AIE in 15 states and 77083 CWSN are being provided homebound
education in 19 states. At present all the educational schemes of inclusive
education tend toward universalization of primary education. IE is not only the
alternative measures for CWSN for want of separate special schools for these
children but it is a scientific well thought strategy for their overall
development; of course it is cost effective and doubly suitable for a
developing country like India. Integrated Education programmes are being taken
at different levels but still 95 percent of CWSN are out of mainstream schools.
Even the schools where IE is in operation, infrastructural facilities required
for inclusive teaching-learning processes are poor. Capability of teachers
required to deal CWSN along with normal children also appear to be poor
reflecting the poor quality of training for IE. The only point of satisfaction
is that importance of IE has been recognized and government is working hard to
provide universal education to CWSN under IE.
REFERENCES: 1. Annual Report 2006-07: Department of School
Education & Literacy Department of Higher Education, Ministry of Human
Resource Development, Government of India, PP.25-27. Available on
2. Annual Report 2005-06: Department of Elementary Education and
Department of Secondary and Higher Education, Ministry of Human Resources and
Development, Govt. of India. Available on
3. Boyd. B (2006): Taking the Initiative: Perspectives on Policies
and practices on Inclusion. Available on
4. Chatterjee, G. (2003): The movement for inclusive education,
India Together. Available on
5. Dash, N. (2006): Inclusive Education Why Does it Matter?
Edutracks, Vol.5 No. 11, July 2006. PP. 5 – 10
6. Economic Times (2007): Employment of the physically challenged,
1 March 2007, PP.II, Column- 3. Available on
7. Janshala (2003): Perspectives in Special Needs Education in
India: A Journey from Isolation to Inclusion. Available on
8. MHRD (2005): Action Plan
for Inclusive Education of Children and Youth with Disabilities. Available on
9. MHRD (2005): Statement
of Minister of Human Resources Development in Rajya Sabha on March 21, 2005.
Available on
10. NCF (2005): National Curriculum Framework, NCERT, New Delhi,
11. NCERT (2006): Assessment of Needs for Inclusive Education:
Asia Pacific Region. Available on .
12. NCERT (2006): Including Children and Youth with disabilities
in Education, a Guide for Practitioners, Department of Education of Groups with
Special Needs, National Council of Educational Research and Training, New
Delhi. Available on
13. RCI News (2005): A Newsletter of Rehabilitation Council of
India, Vol.-1, No.-2, Dec.2004 – Feb. 2005, p.13
14. Riddell.S (2006): Approaches to Inclusive Education in
Scotland : Challenges and Opportunities. Available on
15. Samarth (2006): Three days Teacher Training Module of
inclusive education, developed by Bihar Education Project Council under Sarva
Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA) scheme, p.01 – 88.
16. Sanjeev. K. (2006): Inclusive Education: A hope for children
with special needs, Available on http//
17. Sanjeev. K. (2007): Feasibility of Inclusive Education In
Knowledge economy of Bihar: Initiative and Perspective at higher Level, Peoples
Dialogue on Education, Vol.1, No.1, January issue, pp.50-59.
18. SSA (2006): Responding to Children with Special Needs – A
Manual for Planning and Implementation of Inclusive Education in Sarva Shiksha
Abhiyan, MHRD, Department of Elementary Education and Literacy, MHRD, Govt. of
India. Available on 14
Electronic Journal for Inclusive Education, Vol. 2, No. 2 [2007], Art. 7
19. Status of Disability in
India – 2000, published by RCI, p-445.
20. Ujala – III (2006): Five days teachers training Module for
Teachers of Upper primary classes. P. 22–23.
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