Guidance for B.Ed Practicum work

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Course: .....................................
   The Practicum is submitted for the partial fulfilment of Bachelar of Education degree
Govt. College of Rducation
Banipur ,N-24 Pgs –Logo
                                 Submitted by
Roll No.
                                                       Under the Guidance of
Dr. Goutam Patra
Asstt. Professor (WBES)
Govt. College of Rducation
Banipur ,N-24 Pgs

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I take the opportunity to express my deep sense of gratitude and respectful regards to my supervisor Dr. Goutam Patra, Asst. Professor of Govt college of Education, Banipur, North 24 Paraganas for his valuable suggestions, supervision and amiable guidance. I could not express my words of applause for his constant and untiring support and stimulating guidance throughout the session. I am really indebted to his useful suggestions and criticisms during the work and for pursuing the entire manuscript.
I accord my sincere thanks to other faculty members of Govt. College of education, Banipur and Officer-In-charge of this college.
My special thanks to the Head Master/Head Mistress of .......................................... for his/her co-operation and valuable support are deserved to be mentioned here. I am also thankful to all of my mates for their pleasant association and co-operation in this connection.
Last but not least I must pay reverence and regards to my parents for their constant support.
                                                                            Pramita Roy
                                        Govt college of Education, Banipur, North 24 Paraganas


    To whom it may concern
This is to certify that Pramita Roy a bonafide student of Govt. College of Education, Banipur has successfully completed her/his practicum work entitled ‘............................................’under my guidance during the session, 2017-19 for the partial fulfilment of achieving B.Ed degree. This work is fully done by him/her on his/her own  successful effort and this is an original piece of work which is neither in part nor whole submitted anywhere for any other degree.

Dr. Goutam Patra
Govt. College of Education, Banipur


I.................. a student of Govt. College of Education, Banipur in B.Ed corse , session-2017-19 hereby declare that the work entitled...............................................’ is my original piece of work the I have nit copied from anywhere from any other students work or from anyother sources except some portions where due reference or acknowledgement is explicitly made.
Sincerely Yours,
Pramita Roy
Govt. College of Education, Banipur


Historical Background
Significance of the Practicam
Methodology/Procedural Part with examples
Analysis of available sources/collected data
Own assessment/ views


  1. The WBUTTEPA Form 2020 will get released on the scheduled dates. The candidates must make sure that they are updated with all the dates. The tentative dates have not been announced by the authority insofar.


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